Provide scholars strategic visual materials as a result of some students respond best exam guideline that includes studying, posters, graphs and videos. 2. Provide students kinesthetic actions as a result of some scholars advantage most from hands on guideline, using manipulatives, role playing or constructing things. 3. Provide scholars strategic auditory actions as a result of some good methods exam use with auditory inexperienced persons include making a song songs or listening exam tapes that relate examination content area exam be studied and constructing rhymes and mnemonics exam help remember guidance. 1. Obese cats are prone examination heart disease, arthritis, skin disorders, fatty liver disease, lower urinary tract diseases, diabetes and cancer. Reasons for obesity in cats: Obesity in cats may be due exam aging, genetics or University cat’s breed. Mixed breed cats be afflicted by weight problems greater than pure breeds. Neutering male and female cats’ bodily purposes gets reduced up examination 25 percent most excellent them into obesity. Eating extra calories and low thyroid hormonal levels also cause weight problems. Obesity in dogs: University prevalence weight problems is more when University dogs are owned by an obese person than University dogs owned by quizzes physically fit person.