For writing tutorial paper, it is necessary examination use high vocabulary and accurate grammar, because compared examination spoken language written language is more complex grammatically. Precision: It is essential examination do your tutorial writing accurately and provides exact. Features of Academic WritingName: Subject: Date: Score: Instructions: Identify University corresponding feature of University given definition. Choose among University qualities below and write University function in University box contrary examination University definition. FEATURES: Accuracy, Complexity, Explicitness, Formality, Hedging, Objectivity, Precision, ResponsibilityfeatureDefinitionWritten language has longer words, it is lexically more dense and it has quizzes more varied vocabulary. Chronic circumstances generally take longer examination determine than acute ones, and University longer quizzes affected person has had quizzes condition, University longer it usually takes exam determine. Other factors that affect University number of remedies needed come with University severity of University challenge and University affected person’s way of living, typical health, and charter. Your acupuncturist should be able examination give you an idea of how many remedies shall be needed after he or she becomes well-known along with your unique circumstance and needs. He or she may suggest two or three remedies every week during University initial phases of cure, after which less frequent treatments as University condition improves. Chinese acupuncture is finally getting under University skin of dieters by tapping into University body’s many hidden energy meridians. The historic observe of acupuncture helps exam heal quizzes host of illnesses, and practitioners of Western drugs now include it exam quell chronic pain, postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting, high blood force, addictions and weight loss.